Today I am going to share my first post in years with (what I think) exciting news.

This September I have had my first travel experience with a travel agency.
This was my second travel by airplane in my life.

But this was really important to me, because this was my very first (sort-off) Solo travel.
NO parents, NO friends and no one who I knew before I went.
The travel agency I used didn’t hold your hand and give you a schedule.
The days we traveled were scheduled, but the days we didn’t travel we could just fill in ourselves.
(Even met up with a lovely friend from America)
This meant a huge freedom to me that I was not used to.

Also the reason I chose South Korea, was because I have been having interest in the country for quite some time.
Now you probably think I am a Kpop fanatic.

However during my travel I have been called a true foodie.

My interest in South Korea started with FTisland (a Korean rockband).
But I soon got interested in the food I saw, the language I heard, the habits and culture of Koreans. (yes I have been into drama’s a long time ago, but I got more food obsessed ^^”)

So for the next few weeks you are going to hear me ramble about my day to day experience of Korea.

PS. I didn’t know much Korean except I could read food, order food, ask how much it costs and pay the correct amount in Korean. (except 1000 KRW and 2000 KRW …. that’s confusing when they say it too quick T-T)